There are a few things that aggravate an editor like not having enough time during a shot/take. When you are filming, you need to think like an editor. For example, your "good shot" does not start when you hit record, it begins once you focus, frame up the shot and steady the camera movement. At that point, you begin to count to 10 (or watch the timecode counter in the viewfinder). 10 Seconds is a good rule of thumb for most shots. A previous director of mine (Dan Keith-MidWest Outdoors TV) hammered this into my head and it has helped me dramatically. Since I edit all my own video, I have seen the benefits of the 10-second rule time and time again.
By giving enough time, you are allowing the editor to have time to fade in, hold the shot for a few seconds and fade out. Pay attention to actual time during your favorite hunting shows and you will see how time flies and you always could use more of a good shot. Hold your "good shots" longer and your final videos will be much better!
Till next time...I'm rolling!
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